Here in central North Carolina we are waiting/not waiting for some arrival of Hurricane Florence, who has caused havoc on the coast about 2 hours from here. It is still unclear if our area will have any significant impact or if it is just a windy, rainy day. The relentless media hype since last Sunday has by now really worn thin and I am longing for a return to normalcy. But then I remind myself that as a full time, self employed artist, I create my own normal and my schedule is not dependent on a storm or an employer. And yet.. It is difficult to remove myself entirely from the palpable anxiety that accompanies a big weather event. My schedule is flexible and I am able to devote time to storm prep. Groceries, yard prep, studio prep, house prep, cooking etc. I am grateful to have that flexibility but I have noticed that if I am not careful, I lose some of the self- discipline that is so necessary to being self employed. When I returned from Penland last fall, I immediately established a routine of going to the studio every day as a job. I bring my lunch and I work. That routine is so important to my success and mental health. As my own boss, I’m going to cut myself some slack this time. I spent a whole day this week moving work out of the studio that I couldn’t risk being damaged. Today, while sitting at home and waiting for some weather that may not happen, I had some work that I brought with me and was able to do. I always have my scrap box of paper and stamp to make business cards. So I haven’t been a complete slacker! But this is a good reminder to me that I need to stay focused, stay disciplined and keep working!